PhD fellows

SCIFOR has attracted four talented young scholars as PhD fellows. Srijana Baral and Bijendra Basnyat are enrolled at the Institute of Forestry, Tribuvhan University, Nepal, whereas Numan Amanzi and Eliezeri Sungusia are enrolled with the Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. They are all four also enrolled at the double-degree program at University of Copenhagen.

Eliezeri Sungusia was awarded a double-degree from both Sokoine University of Agriculture and University of Copenhagen for his thesis ”Reproducing Forestry: Education, Scientific Authority, and Management Practices in Tanzania”, which was defended September 21, 2018. The thesis was later awarded the Ester Boserup Prize for best development PhD thesis in 2018.

Here you can see their project titles, contact details and status presentations of their work given at the SCIFOR workshop in Tanzania August 10-12, 2016 by clicking at the project titles: